Explore the wonders of trees with an outdoor nature-inspired art class! This class will explore the autumn color palettes of trees through various art mediums, like paint and collage. We will look closely at trees in the Arboretum for inspiration and create unique works of art to bring home. This class is for children ages 5-8 (optional drop-off).
Registration is required
Fee includes supply costs
About the instructor: Angela Ruggles is a nature and art educator and certified yoga instructor (RYT 500 & RCYT). She is the founder of The Nature Atelier, where she explores art, movement, and the environment to inspire a passion for protecting the planet. Angela has a background in museum education and paleoethnobotany and is a self-taught artist. She received an MS in International Museum Studies and a MA in Anthropological Archaeology.
Member Cost: $18.00, Non-Member Cost: $22.00
If you qualify for an Oregon income assistance program, please email nina@hoytarboretum.org for details about further discounted program rates.