Board of Directors
October 2022 Meeting
Via Zoom | October 13th
Agenda Items
- Welcome and Partner Updates
- Consent Agenda
- July & August Financial Report
- August Minutes
- Brand and Wayfinding Plan
- Final Presentation
- Peak Season Highlights
- Seasonal Parking Fee
- ZooLights Transportation Plan
August 2022 Meeting
Via Zoom | August 11th
Agenda Items
- Welcome and partner updates
- Consent Agenda
- May and June Financial Reports
- June Minutes
- Brand and Wayfinding Plan
- Update
- Financial Updates
- Safety & Security Committee
June 2022 Meeting
Oregon Zoo Sunset Room | June 10th
Agenda Items
- Welcome and partner updates
- Consent Agenda
- March and April Financial Reports
- April Minutes
- Brand and Wayfinding Plan
- Update
- One Park Marketing Plan
- PP&R Service Delivery Plan
- Updates (Pay to Park, others)
April 2022 Meeting
Via Zoom | April 14th
Agenda Items
- Welcome and partner updates
- Consent Agenda
- January and February Financial Reports
- February Minutes
- Brand and Wayfinding Plan
- Goals, roles, timeline, deliverables of plan
- EWP Service Delivery Plan
- EWP Budget
- Restrooms at TriMet Plaza
February 2022 Meeting
Via Zoom | February 10th
Agenda Items
- Welcome and partner updates
- Consent Agenda
- September, October, November, December Financial Reports
- October Minutes
- Annual Transportation Report
- Washington Park Brand & Wayfinding Plan – next steps
- Board and Committee Agenda Calendar – 6 month outlook
• Committee focus areas
• Key committee work
• Upcoming plans - Marketing plan
- South end / TriMet plaza bathroom
Zoom | October 14th
Agenda Items
- Welcome & Partner Updates
- Consent Agenda
- July & August Financial Reports
- August Minutes
- 990
- Financial Report
- Portland Quarterly National Consumer Sentiment
- Portland Business Alliance
- State of dowtown
- Washington Park Trust Fund Financial Report
- Event Parking Rates: ZooLights
- WPSOP Phase 2
- RFP Process: Brand & Wayfinding Plan
- EWP Peak Season Recap
Zoom | August 12th
Agenda Items
- Welcome & Partner Updates
- PPR: Introduction of Sergio Garcia
- Vega, Danny Dunn
- Consent Agenda
- May & June Financial Reports
- June Minutes
- PPR Service Delivery Plan
- Washington Park Trust Fund Financial Report
- Parkwide Impacts
- South Entry Project
- Portland Children’s Museum Closure
- EWP Core Identity
- EWP Executive Committee Proposal
Miller Hall, World Forestry Center | June 10th
Agenda Items
- Welcome and Partner Updates
- Consent Agenda
- March & April Financial Reports
- April Minutes
- EWP Budget & Workplan
- Welcome Park Parking Trust Fund
- Financial Report
- Service Delivery Plan
- Discovery Points
- 150th Anniversary of Washington Park
- WPSOP Phase 1
- Final vote on Phase 1 and next steps
- Washington Park Celebration
April 2021 Meeting
Via Zoom, April 8
Agenda Items
- Welcome, Partner Updates
- Update: EWP Contract and Payment
- Consent Agenda
- January, February Financials
- February Minutes
- Park Purpose and principles
- Next steps: Phase
- Washington Park Annual Transportation Report
- Peak and off-peak 2020
- ED Report
February 2021 Meeting
Via Zoom, February 11
Agenda Items
- Welcome, Partner Updates
- Consent Agenda
- November, December Financial Reports
- December Board Meeting
- Park’s 150th Anniversary
- Washington Park Data Reports
- Who’s the audience?
- What’s the purpose?
- EWP Core Identity
- First draft
- EWP / PPR Contract Update